Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  1. How does delivery work? We use The Courier Guy for our deliveries, we carefully package your order and when your package is on the way we send a tracking code to your email and you can watch your package reach you. 
  2. How much does courier cost? R195 no matter your order size, or address.
  3. Where do you deliver? Anywhere in South Africa. 
  4. How do I know if my order is in stock? I highly suggest contacting us either via email, WhatsApp or Instagram about particular items before making an order so we can alert you of stock. Click Contact us for all our contact info. 
  5. What happens if I purchase something and it is out of stock? You have 3 options here. One, we substitute it with something else of same value. Two, you get store credit for future purchases. Three, we refund straight into your bank account. 
  6. What happens if I order something and the fish arrives "not alive"? We do offer a full refund on all dead on arrivals but only if a poly box was purchased in your order. If you choose not to add a polybox to your order no insurance is offered, the risk of delivery is completely on the client's side. 
  7. Do you have a physical store? Yes we do! 67 katzkop drive mountview verulam in KZN. Do message me before you come by thank you.
  8. Do you do pond/tank maintenance? Yes we do, send me an email querying this and I will provide you with all the necessary info. 
  9. How fast is delivery? If all your items are in stock you can expect your order within 7 business days. If there is out of stock items the delay can be up to 2 weeks or longer, but rest assured we will be in contact with you throughout the entire process to work on your order. 
  10. How do I ensure safer delivery for the fish? We highly suggest adding a poly box to your order, it is available on the site at R85, it ensures your fish can brave the elements of weather and have a safer journey on transport. The reason why we don't have polybox as a standard is because it becomes a bit too expensive for us to courier. 
  11. Do you guys do gift cards? Yes, contact us and we will create one for you.